
日常暮らし  ~喰らって座るか座禅カレー~

Being exposed  to the wave wind  My conveiene  store bag was blown dway
(波風にさらわれ  私物のコンビニ袋飛ばされた)

Borrows  right hand  Hungry empty ereyday life
(借りもんの右手  腹空かし日常暮らし)

The soul of triplets The six-wheeled windmill All the speed are the same
(三つ子の魂 六つ子の風車 回る速度は皆同じ)

Rootless rootfess
Self shuffle
Do not stop breathing Dallma who fell down

座禅カレー(Zen medifaion curry)

My belly and heart are satisfied and get up

極楽浄土でごちそうさん(A feast at the paradise)


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